The Urban Voodoo Machine - 15 Shots - The Singles 2009-2017 - CD
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After kicking off the New Year with latest single January Blues, The Urban Voodoo Machine release 15 Shots From The Urban Voodoo Machine – a retrospective of their 15 year career featuring all the single releases along the way. Whether you’re looking for politics & depression (While We Were All Asleep, Rusty Water & Coffin Nails); remembering the dead (Goodnight My Dear & Fallen Brothers), a Wilko
Johnson collab (Help Me Jesus), an anti-love song (Love Song #666 & Rather You Shot Me Down) or a Latin dance (Crazy Maria - ask about the tattoo!); 15 Shots… caters for the rascal, the villain, the swindler & the crook.
Described as Bourbon Soaked Gypsy Blues Bop’n’Stroll, The Urban Voodoo Machine are a murderers’ row of rogues dressed in black and red, led by the ever enigmatic Paul-Ronney Angel, who spend their time exploring Gypsy Blues, Americana, New Orleans Jazz, Rock’n’Roll and the wares of Mr Jack Daniels. With comparisons to The Pogues and Tom Waits, The Urban Voodoo Machine are considered one of the most impressive live acts in the country - a claim supported by Classic Rock.